
My parents and I don’t exactly have the best relationship nor the worst, it’s just in between; my parents and I don’t talk, especially me, I only communicate when I have to, and that’s what ticks them off. They would always try to force me to talk; they would say that even when they’re old I wouldn’t talk to them still and soon they would die and I would regret not making them happy by talking to them. That’s what they actually said, and that made me even want to talk to them less because they’re threatening me and that mindset is a red flag. They also mentioned that I would also be in their shoes and how my kids won’t talk to me too. First of all, do they think that their parenting has flaws? do they think their parenting is perfect and right? Because the answer is yes, they have tons of flaws, and no they’re not the perfect parents and I’m not even a parent yet but I know in my gut that how they brought me up caused me to distance myself from them. Let’s first start with how to parenting:

1.) Do NOT threaten your damn children like what you did to me because what you said to me was a type of manipulation
2.) Get your children to open up to you by actually not forcing them to talk to you but actually trying to communicate in a non-judgmental way which my parents don’t do to me. Getting a person to open up to you is not an easy task, so be there for them, support them, and understand why they’ve done things the way they did. Just understanding your kids and the reason for their actions can really strengthen your relationship with them

Recently, I forgot to buy medicine for myself yesterday and my mom scolded me and told me what’s been happening to me lately; literally, ever since my accident she keeps saying this and it’s already been months since my accident happen. Have you ever considered the fact that I forgot to buy it because I was in a rush to do chores, specifically getting the clothes out of the laundry? Every little mistake I do they judge me for it and belittle me like I have a defect on my brain or something; If you think I do just say it to me.

I know I shouldn’t blame this all on them because I do try not to talk and lower my voice at home as much as possible because I like to save my energy and relax before I go out and socialize again, and that’s what you don’t understand about me and why you scold me. You don’t even try to understand me.

P.S. If you want a good relationship with your children, think and reflect of your ways of parenting. I’ll never raise my child the way you did because I’d actually try to understand my kids and not quickly judge them for their actions