June 22,2019 – Unfamiliar Faces

So there I was in a bedroom filled with 20 other people I don’t even know, and my 2 friends left me to talk to other people so I had to fend for myself. I felt uncomfortable and so out of place. The self-hatred years ago started to seep back in. It feels like people are taking pity on me and I hate it.

Friday, June 21:

It was my friend’s birthday party today and she invited me to celebrate with her, let’s call her Elizabeth. She’s from a different school so of course, a different school, meaning I’m going to see lots of unfamiliar faces since I don’t know anyone from that school except for my other friend (let’s call her Krisha). Was I ready for it? Was I ready to meet 20 people I don’t really know about at the party? The answer is no. You see, I was quite busy trying to polish up and trying to look good because if I’m meeting new people, I have to look decent enough because first impressions matter to me. So I got all readied up, looking a bit formal because that’s what she told me. but plot twist, when I went to the hotel apartment where the party is held, the people were wearing casual outfits wtf. So I was at the party feeling out of place because I really don’t know anyone there except 2 people and the fact that I was wearing semi-formal attire, good start right?

At some point, everyone was told to go to the bedroom to play some games. So there I was, in a bedroom filled with 20 people I don’t even know about, my friends left me that time to talk to other people so I had to fend for myself. So we played some games and I literally didn’t talk to anyone, it felt so awkward until the dare game started? Yeah, I didn’t like the sound of that either because someone’s forehead got drawn on. If someone were to do that to me I would slap them or something I don’t care we just met I don’t want to feel like we’re close or something because we’re not. So basically I was in a room with a lot of people feeling huge discomfort, pity for myself and ready to smack someone if they do something to me because of some dare. What’s my solution? Get the fuck out of that room lol. I went back to the quiet living room where I can finally breathe because I was low-key drowning in that room, the feeling when I was in that room brought back bad memories and self-hatred.

When I was in elementary school, which was actually one of the lowest points of my life, I was a quiet child, a really quiet one to the point that I got a badge for being the quietest person in the class, and my parents scolded me for it. They told me I shouldn’t be quiet because it’s not going to do any good in life, they would scream at me and I would cry, and I felt pity for myself. Being quiet can also harm you since it can attract bullies because the quiet ones always get bullied. I would get spit on my hair, my bag ruined, things stolen, I’d be forced to do homework, etc. I felt so hopeless and worthless like I don’t fit in and that’s where my self-hatred journey began. My parents hated me for being quiet, so when someone calls me quiet I think of it negatively because I was conditioned to think of it as an insult which leads me to pity myself which I don’t like. If someone tells me I’m quiet I would think that they take pity on me because they think I’m lonely leading me to think that they’re looking down on me idk. So I compared my past with this party and it’s quite similar; I don’t belong here. I was ready to get up and leave the hotel room when they were still in the bedroom but I just couldn’t leave like that.

After elementary school, where I’m able to finally hang out with my friends outside of school, I still would feel uncomfortable hanging with them because it felt like uncharted territory, like I felt unsafe being in this environment, being out of the school grounds and whatnot, but as years go by I would feel less and less uncomfortable until I don’t feel any discomfort left, until this party happened, the discomfort came back and my mood went -1000 real quick.

As time went by, they finally got out of the bedroom, we played some games such as cards and Jenga and they were nice enough to let me play, though what kind of ticked me off was I went to this party because Elizabeth was here (keep in mind we’ve known each other for years but we’ve never really seen each other in real life) so I went there for her but we barely talked so I was a bit salty. She didn’t even introduce me to her friends. Her friends just looked at me, ignored me, or talked to me for a bit except for this one person, let’s call her Tina and omg she was so great, we have lots of similarities and I gladly made a friend at this party which made me happy. I was even glad that I got to open up and talk to Elizabeth’s friends for a bit so I’ll take that as an achievement for changing over the past years. I’m okay with going to a party or a hang out where I know most of the people but don’t know some of them, like that feels okay, I have lots of friends I can back up on where I’d feel safe, but if most of the people at the party I don’t know and my friends leave me behind, then good luck to me. This party felt like uncharted territory and I don’t even know if I would ever get used to it, maybe or maybe not, we’ll see.

Being quiet is not bad nor is it good. It can be an advantage to a certain type of situation but it can also be a disadvantage to another type of situation. It’s a grey area.



Leaving The Gray Life (Just A Little Goal)

3 months ago
I was always a side character, always behind the main characters…those people who enjoys life like they have no regrets and the one who always stood out, but me well i’ve always been a shadow, always behind their backs, lurking and always hiding so I cannot be seen…I live in the gray life. I don’t take risks, I mostly don’t talk to strangers since i’m shy and I always feel like i’m the audience in a theatre and the the one who stood out are in the stage, i’ve always feared going there but yet I always kept on thinking how it would feel to be on that stage, to show myself to the world and not be as an audience nor a side character anymore, what would it feel like? i’ve been there once in a while and I just love it, just like a side character having his own episode then disappearing in the next which I don’t want to happen again, not anymore. I’m not going to think i’m a side character anymore because this is my life, this is my story so i’m the main character here.

The feeling of getting yourself out there, the fear of an amount of eyeballs staring at you and feels like you’re being judged and being belittled, that fear makes me weak but once you’re already out there in the stage you’ll start to feel comfortable and feel more confident about yourself and it makes you feel joyful at what you’ve done. You did it.
I’ve been getting myself in the spotlight multiple times, it’s scary at first but I feel more confident after some time which is good. I’m always this quiet person so I don’t really show myself to a lot of people but that feeling when you do show yourself (i’ve sang, made speeches in the class and talked to a lot of strangers without nervousness etc.) you feel so amazing that you really did it.

“Don’t let your fears hold you down, there’s another side of adventure waiting for you out there”

Tell Me…Am I Good Enough….?

I’ve always been an envious person my whole life such as being envious about appearance, relationship, grades and most importantly, i’m envious about people’s lives. I always compare myself to people and friends ( I keep it to myself though since it’d be rude) which feels like competition because I just don’t want to feel like i’m not good enough for people and that i’m worthless (fuck these teenager emotions). Am I a good enough boyfriend? Am I a good enough son? Am I a good enough student? Am I just good enough for you and the people who I love? Am I good enough for this world…? It may be true that I might not be the best of all but am I good enough? I know I shouldn’t compare myself with people and should love myself but I do like myself (except the parts I don’t like which i’m trying to fix) and that won’t change (I hope so) however how am I supposed to cope this when I have this feeling in my head that i’m not good enough for this person and that I can’t reach people’s expectation? I just feel lonely and weak…that’s all… it also makes me wonder if my friends like me or not (stupid brain).

Introvert or nah?

I kind of classify myself as an introvert because I like spending alone time with myself while I waste my life watching anime or sleeping, but I also kind of love hanging out with friends and having fun. When I hang out with my friends i’m like a monkey out of loose and always cracking jokes (even corny ones) which I don’t know if an introvert is like that however I am a shy person when it comes to strangers, teachers, public speaking and people I don’t know much about. I just don’t feel comfortable with them so I don’t get all ape and stuff but when I am then yes i’m noisy (exaggerate much). So I don’t know if i’m an introvert or not. Or maybe i’m in the middle or something? Well I mean these are all just labels but it’s kinda bugging me and i’m really curious.